18 NOVEMBER 2023

Midrand FC & Lefase presents

At 1 year 7 months, a perfectly healthy Ayana developed meningitis that caused severe brain injury leading to a Spastic Cerebral Palsy diagnosis. The condition took away her mobility and speech while also impairing her hearing and eyesight.

All proceeds from the bootcamp are in aid of the Ayana Children’s Foundation and will assist to provide Ayana (and later other children) with intensive therapy to alleviate symptoms of her condition.

To book your spot for the bootcamp please complete your details below, then process payment on the Yoco link or EFT to:

Bank: First National Bank
AAccount Name: The Ayana Children’s Foundation
Account Number: 63059581752
Branch Code: 250955
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: Your Name and Surname


See you on the 18th!!!

Click the button below and pay securely with your debit or credit card cost R250, any additional contribution would be greatly appreciated.  All proceeds are for the Ayana children’s foundation

Yoco – Debit and Credit Card

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